Big Foot Out of School & Holiday Club
Email: Tel: 01422 882725

All our meals are cooked in the nursery's 5 star kitchen (Which we have had a 5 star kitchen since opening in 2011 !) and we deliver a varied and healthy menu.
There are bowls of fresh fruit in each of our childcare rooms and fresh drinking water is available throughout the day.
Please click the button below for our Menu:
Fun With Food
Fun with Food is all about getting children excited about healthy food.
Our Nursery Practitioners runs sessions that focus on the chosen colour of healthy foods e.g. purple fruit and vegetables, and giving the children an opportunity to explore the food using all their senses.
Example - an apple : red, “crunch”, sweet, soft inside, harder outside, cold, fresh smell.
Focus on Development Needs
The sessions are run for each age group to focus on different areas of interest and focus on individual development needs:
Jelly Babies: Discover textures, colours and tastes. Includes using fruit and vegetables as stamps to make pictures.
Jelly Tots: Introduce new vocabulary, become more conscious of their senses and how much they can discover by using them
Pre-school: Discovering the science behind food and nature e.g. putting food colouring in a vase to see the flower take on the colour of the food colouring; food groups; the effect of temperature.
Big Foot take Fun with Food one step further by producing their own healthy, home-grown fruit, vegetables and flowers. Recent successes have included runner beans, strawberries and sunflowers. The children have really enjoyed the whole process, from planting, to nurturing and caring for the plants, and finally enjoying the harvest.
How can you find out more / get involved?
A scrapbook has been produced of the Fun With Food sessions, including photos and children’s comments. It is full of fun and inspiring.
© 2024 Little Foot Day Nursery - Luddenden Lane, Luddenden Foot, Halifax, HX2 6NW |